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annemette buhl 

Annemette Buhl, Cand. Scient., Brand Manager

Master of Science, University of Copenhagen, 1994, LIF, pharmaceutical consultant training 1996, Merkonom, Niels Broch. Bachelor in Marketing Communications, Copenhagen Business School, CBS, 2001. Professional background in the pharmaceutical industry since the mid-90s and since then as an agent in the furniture industry for several different manufacturers of both Danish and international brands with responsibility for contract sales in Denmark. Owner of Carsten Buhl ApS since 1998.  With in-depth knowledge of the furniture industry, Annemette today works with analysis of companies and market situations with a view to business development and strategy selection. Development of communication strategies. Development of marketing and sales strategies. Direct sales and development of long-term customer relationships. Responsible for marketing and SOME.


Cand. Scient., Københavns Universitet, 1994, LIF, lægemiddelkonsulentuddannelsen 1996, Merkonom, Niels Broch. Bachelor i Markedskommunikation, Copenhagen Business School, CBS, 2001. Erhvervmæssig baggrund i medicinalbranchen siden midt-90’erne og sidenhen som agent i møbelbranchen for flere forskellige producenter af både danske og internationale brands med ansvar for kontraktsalget i Danmark. Ejer af Carsten Buhl ApS Siden 1998. Med indgående kendskab til møbelbranchen arbejder Annemette i dag med analyse af virksomheder og markedssituationer med henblik på forretningsudvikling og strategivalg. Udvikling af kommunikationsstrategier. Udvikling af marketing- og salgsstrategier. Direkte salg og udvikling af langsigtede kunderelationer. Ansvarlig for markedsføring og SOME.


 carsten buhl

Carsten Buhl, Cand. Arch. Architect

Curriculum Vitae, CV

Carsten Buhl is a Danish architect and furniture designer born in 1965 and educated as a furniture architect from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in 1993. First as an employee of Rud Thygesen and Johnny Sørensen and since 1996 with his own design studio. Throughout Carsten Buhl's works, is a clear extension of the Danish and Scandinavian design tradition, where the goal always is to create furniture and products that combine the simple and beautiful with the practical use.


Carsten Buhl er en dansk arkitekt og møbeldesigner født i 1965 og uddannet møbelarkitekt fra det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi i 1993. Først som ansat hos Rud Thygesen og Johnny Sørensen og siden 1996 med egen tegnestue. Gennemgående for Carsten Buhls værker, er en klar forlængelse af den danske og skandinaviske designtradition, hvor målet altid er at skabe møbler og produkter, der forener det enkle og smukke med det praktisk anvendelige.

Copyright © Carsten Buhl ApS - Løvsangervej 13 - DK4300 Holbæk. Phone +45 2045 1335.